Making The Most Of Social Security
Retirement Income Enhancing Strategies
April 13th 2023
12pm – 2pm
At Renewed Life Properties
16991 N. Boswell Blvd., Suite 101, Sun City, AZ 85351

Please Register To Confirm Attendance
You Could Lose Out On Thousands Of Dollars In Social Security Benefits By Making An Uninformed Choice
One of the most important decisions you need to make before you retire is when to claim Social Security benefits. Many retirees apply for Social Security before reaching full retirement age. But by doing so, they may significantly and permanently reduce the benefits that they — and possibly their spouses — could receive over a lifetime. Social Security provides not only a guaranteed income stream but also longevity protection, spousal protection, and some inflation protection. It may be the closest thing you receive to a traditional pension.
One of the most important decisions you need to make before you retire is when to claim Social Security benefits. Many retirees apply for Social Security before reaching full retirement age. But by doing so, they may significantly and permanently reduce the benefits that they — and possibly their spouses — could receive over a lifetime. Social Security provides not only a guaranteed income stream but also longevity protection, spousal protection, and some inflation protection. It may be the closest thing you receive to a traditional pension.
Do you understand the various claiming strategies that could enhance your income?
Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed, there may be ways to maximize the lifetime Social Security benefits you receive. Join us for an educational seminar where we’ll focus on:
• Changes to Social Security filing strategies
• How married couples can help enhance their combined monthly and lifetime benefits
• How the “do over” and “start, stop, restart” strategies work
• How to claim retroactive benefits as a lump sum
• The effect of remarriage on survivor benefits for widowed and divorced spouses
• Five factors that could reduce the actual payments you receive
You’ll be eligible for the complimentary, no-obligation consultation offered to all seminar participants.

Please Join Us At My Making the Most of Social Security seminar on April 13th, 2023 from 12 PM to 2 PM
This educational presentation is sponsored by CSP Financial Group, LLC,
The seminar is enhanced with colorful graphics highlighting the latest facts and figures, and you’ll find it to be a brief and easy-to-understand presentation.
Here are some of the key reasons why you should attend:
• Acquire sound information
• Avoid costly mistakes
• Benefit from sound guidance
• Focus on ways to enhance the benefits you receive
Perhaps best of all, to help you make the most of your seminar experience, I’ll be offering a complimentary, no-obligation consultation to everyone who attends. This follow-up meeting is a great way to evaluate your options and to discuss questions you may have after the seminar.
I hope you can take advantage of this excellent educational opportunity. You are welcome to bring a friend to the seminar. Seating is limited, however, so call Joy Garvey at 602-885-7886 or Jacqueline French at 480-486-3402 today to reserve your place.